We can all go through this phase at some point in our lives where we feel like everyone else is achieving their goals in life, while we are left struggling to figure out what we want to do or what we should be doing to attract the success we desire. There could be times when you may feel like you are stuck where you are and cannot seem to find any way to come out of it.
Excuses which are often driven by fear, insecurity, or complacency can hold us back. Limiting beliefs influenced by an event or circumstance in our past that made us feel worthless or helpless can also hinder our progress in life. These beliefs exist on an unconscious level and they drive our every thought, word, and action.
Good news is that there are ways to identify what’s holding us back—whether it’s fear, limiting beliefs, or sense of resistance within our subconscious mind—and then we can work on releasing each obstacle to reach our goals faster.
Remember, that You are the only one who has the power to either move forward towards your desired life or keep yourself stuck where you are. You hold the only key there will ever be to your Success. But first you must work on Identifying your Obstacles.
Let’s look at ways we can catch all our mental blockages and work on releasing them.
1. Think of what you really Desire
Think of a goal or desire you want to achieve, then ask yourself why you don’t have it yet. What could have come in the way? This will begin to reveal negative emotions and limiting beliefs existing within you, which end up creating resistance and excuses that keep you away from success. Write down all the thoughts you get.
To go deeper into this practice, Take all areas of your life where you are experiencing some frustration and start to write what thoughts and actions of yours could be blocking your success. The reason why we want to focus on our own thoughts and actions is that, we have not come here to control others, we have come here to use our own mind to live our best life. This exercise will thus make you aware of what thoughts are detrimental to your progress. This awareness will help you become more alert the next time to not let them stop you from doing what you know you should do for your growth.
2. Become Aware of the negative voice inside your head
We may have a negative voice that tells us that we are not good enough, or that we can’t have it all in life. Notice the feelings that arise within you as you think of yourself. Close your eyes and observe what you think and feel about yourself.
Take a moment to consider the earliest time in your life when you first experienced these feelings. It will probably be sometime in your childhood before you turned 9 or 10 years old- a time known as the most impressionable years for a child. See yourself in your childhood again. Observe the expression on the face of your younger self. Let this child still living inside you in form of your subconscious mind tell you how it’s feeling.
Begin to write down whatever the child is telling you. Connecting with your childhood in this manner is an empowering way to understand that your feelings are simply a reflection of your past environment and are in no way an indication of what you are capable of doing today. This is a great practice to release the past that may still be holding you back.
3. Identify the lessons that your Past has taught you
Most of us see our past in regret and disappointment. But to see your past as your teacher can help you release the energy of the negative experiences you have had and even empower you to better your life today.
For example, your past relationship may have taught you to follow your intuition and trust yourself more. Then choose an empowering and positive statement that you can repeat to yourself daily to train your mind to adopt and apply this lesson into your energy and life today. In this case, you can use statement like, “I trust myself wholeheartedly, I am capable of doing the right things for myself”
After you have chosen an empowering statement for each of the lessons you have identified from your past, Commit to repeat them daily every morning and night. They will help you release all the negative blocks holding you back from living your best life!
To your Success
Dr Karishma Ahuja, PhD
Do you know, your subconscious mind is like a small child, who needs your love attention and care. If you find a way to connect with your inner child, it can release the past coming in your way today. The two of you can together can become great partners for success and happiness. Dr Ahuja is a specialist in Inner child healing and subconscious mind reprogramming. Check out details of deep Inner child work here: Inner Child therapy
About Dr Karishma Ahuja
Dr Karishma Ahuja is a leading Metaphysical Counselor and Life Coach specializing in the universal Law of Attraction and Letting Go techniques of forgiveness and inner child healing based on Hawaiian Problem solving process of Ho’oponopono. With over 15 years of experience in training children and adults on mind power and positive thinking, Dr Ahuja helps one pursue goals with love and success. She is also the author of two popular self-help books, ‘The Healing Power of Gratitude’ and ‘The Healing Power of Words’.
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