
5 day Positivity Challenge

The Mind is a very powerful system that controls our internal and external environment. Our circumstances and outcomes don’t just show up. We create them with our dominant attitude and state of mind. Our state of mind comes from our thoughts, words, feelings, behaviour, actions and character.


When we sow thoughts, we reap actions

When we sow actions, we reap habits

When we sow habits, we reap character

When we sow character, we reap our destiny.


So if we want to change our destiny, where and what do we get started with? Answer is clear- Our mind and our thoughts. We got to find a way to redirect negative thoughts and beliefs. To create a happy, healthy, and abundant life, we got to find a way to deal with negative influences and limiting thought patterns daily. Instead of trying to ignore or resist negative thoughts, it will be much easier to make an active choice of building more positive ideas and feelings.

Positivity is like a muscle, if you keep exercising it, it becomes a habit and a way of life.  Here is a 5 days challenge to help you develop a positive state of mind and attitude.


Day 1 Challenge – Focus on what you Want.

Because of their mental attitude and programming, most people usually think about the things they don’t want. They don’t want to be lonely, they don’t want to be in debt, they don’t want to be criticized or have health issues. But complaining and thinking about these very things that bother them keep them stuck to these unwanted results. Rather than focusing on lack, cultivate the state of mind you would have if you had everything you wanted.

Exercise: Write down all the things you want. Describe clearly want to want to be, have and experience in your life. As you put down a clear description of the life you desire, you trigger many positive emotions within you. This is because the moment you entertain an idea or thought and start focusing on it, your subconscious mind starts to build images around it. Anytime a negative thought comes in the day, open your diary and write down what you want to experience in place of it.

Within few days of practice itself you will see how much more happier and positive your thoughts have become.



Day 2 Challenge – Strive to make your day beautiful.

If you want your day to go well, why not assume responsibility to make it the most beautiful day of your life! Morning is the best time to take action in this regard.

Exercise: Start your morning on a high note by keeping a smile on your face and ask yourself “How can I make today the best day of my life?”  Spend few moments repeating this question and then sit in silence and just observe the thoughts coming to your mind. It’s a simple question, but it’s so powerful that it can literally shift your vibration and take you from the lack mentality to the abundance mentality.

By simply asking this question, you remind yourself that you are in control of how your day goes and not anyone else. You also become conscious of how you are feeling. This gives you an opportunity to take charge and do something to feel better. This simple practice is a great tool to encourage your subconscious mind to engage in thoughts of all the things you can yourself do to make it as amazing as possible!

Repeat this question several times in the day. Answers may not necessarily come immediately. They may come to you anytime in the day. The best part is all through your day, your subconscious mind will look to answer this question by bringing you ideas and thoughts of what you can do to make your day truly fun, happy and successful.



Day 3 Challenge – Appreciate what you have.

Spending time dwelling on our problems only accomplishes one thing- it creates more problems. Why? Because what you think about, you bring about through your vibration. Thinking about something keeps you in the same energy and vibration as it. So imagine when you spend time thinking about all the things you are grateful for, you will get more things to be thankful for.

Exercise: Start your day with this thought that you have a lot to be thankful for. Take time to feel the appreciation you have for the people and things you have been blessed with. Think of why you are so grateful for them. This will create within you sense of peace. Your mind will shift to a calmer and more positive state.

To hold on to this energy of gratitude, whenever you see or experience something good, immediately appreciate it by using the words, “ I am so grateful for this.” Continuing this throughout your day will make it easier and more beneficial to deal with and solve the negative issues in your life.



Day 4 Challenge – Practice Self love.

Life may not always be easy but it can still be joyful. And what can really bring joy into your heart, spirit and life is “Self love”. Self love can allow you to go through whatever you are going through without blame, guilt, or regrets. It’s human to fall, make mistakes, get hurt and even knowingly or unknowingly hurt others along the way. It’s natural to be upset for a while but to keep judging and condemning yourself for not being the perfect being you think you should be will only create more wrong and unhappiness on the way. To be able to correct or improve anything in life, it is important to treat yourself with love, acceptance and compassion. With self love, you will feel less stressed when going through difficult times and situations. You will also become a more optimistic thinker and pursue your dreams with more confidence.

Exercise: Look into a Mirror into your own eyes. Take a few deep breaths. Observe the thoughts that come to your mind. Then hug yourself and slowly, repeat the words, “I deserve love and respect, I forgive myself wholeheartedly, I accept myself for who I am, I am a loving and peaceful child of the Universe.” Repeat this practice each time you come in front of the mirror in the day. Ensure you do this atleast twice a day, once in the morning and second time at night before you go to bed. You can also write the words, “I love and accept myself wholeheartedly” on a piece of paper, carry it with you in your pocket or stick it on your desk or bed side.



Day 5 Challenge – Repeat this Positivity Mantra

A mantra that can help you practice living in a positive state of mind and vibration is- “This is good for me.” Now this may sound easy to practice but the real deal is you got to say this whenever anything happens in the day, whether you consider it good or bad.

Exercise: There’s a lot of power in seeing the good in everything. Yet is true that sometimes it can be tough to see the good in things. Here is something that can help. Before you respond to anything that has happened, practice pausing and saying, “This is good for me,” You will not only be able to find something good in that moment or situation but you will also stop yourself from seeing yourself as a victim or poor being who is not in control of his or her life.



Practice is the Key

Positivity is a mindset which develops gradually. Get started with your journey with this 5 days positivity challenge and you are sure to continue with this happy and satisfying journey for life.

This day 5 challenge is about understanding that in every situation, between the situation and the way we respond to it, there’s a space. If we start training our mind to use that space to think of something good, automatically more positive outcomes and results will come into our lives.

Read and re-read the practices mentioned above to understand them thoroughly. Once you complete your 5 days challenge, incorporate all the practices in one single day. Within 3 months you are sure to experience a big positive shift in your attitude and results.


To your Success
Dr Karishma Ahuja


There is great power in Letting go of the past. Forgiveness 21 days course will help you to stop looking back and instead feel lighter and happier in the present, bringing you more success and peace. Start your cleaning journey here: Forgiveness 21 days course.


Did you know, there are some amazing metaphysical tools you can use daily to stay healthy and happy? They are simple to practice yet highly effective in bringing about great positive changes in your personality, attitude, health and success. Sign Up here for Metaphysics for Health course: 31 rituals for Wellbeing


About Dr Karishma Ahuja

Dr. Karishma Ahuja is a Metaphysics teacher specializing in the Universal Law of Attraction and vibration, Forgiveness techniques and Inner child healing therapy based on the Hawaiian Problem solving technique of Ho’oponopono. She has coached thousands of children and adults over the last 16 years and offers various courses and personal coaching programs on manifestation, mind power, mindfulness, energy cleansing and positive thinking. Dr Ahuja writes a weekly Colum for the Hindustan Times and regularly shares her inputs for success on various media portals like Times of India, Zee News, Midday, Tax Guru, etc. She is the author of 2 popular Self help books – “The Healing Power of Words” and “The Healing Power of Gratitude.”



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Vinay Balloor

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