
Secrets of the Subconscious mind


We are all aware that we have a conscious mind and a Subconscious mind. But do you know, your subconscious mind is controlling your results to the extent of nearly 95 to 97 %? For every 9 to 10 thoughts at the conscious level, there are over 10 to 11 million bits of information running inside the subconscious mind per second. Understanding how the subconscious really works and how it can be positively influenced can bring us a lot of success in our personal and professional life.


Here are 5 important secrets and principles to follow and implement:

1. Any idea that is held in the mind, that is either feared or revered, hated or loved will at once begin to express itself in our body, life, behaviour and results. You will see the evidence of this idea manifesting in every area of your life from your health and relationships to your work and finances. This is because the subconscious mind cannot reject any idea or thought, even the ones that you hate or resist in any way will show up as passionately as the ones that you love and support.



2. Whatever you give attention to grows stronger in your life. So the problem is not the negative thoughts that come to your mind. It is the attention that you give them that keeps their energy alive in your body and vibration. If you keep reading or talking about an idea, thought or fact, it will continue to show up with more power in your life. To change your results, you got to take your attention off the things that you don’t want to have and experience. The only way you can do that is to start giving attention to all the things that you want to attract and experience in your life. Start with making a list of what you want. Keep writing about how these ideas, goals and dreams can change your life for the better. Refer to this list daily.


3. Thoughts and beliefs strongly rooted in your mind today are essentially ideas that were repeated over and over again to you. Many of them were programs you picked up from your environment and surroundings. With time, since nothing was done to challenge them, they got stronger and stronger until they became your identity and truth.

This means to reprogram your mind and shift these thoughts and beliefs today, you got to repeat over and over again to yourself in the present, the ideas that you want to hold and experience in your life. Ensure that these desirable ideas are fed into your mind early in the morning and as the last thing before you go to bed at night for, these are times in the day when your mind is most open and receptive to absorb new thoughts and ideas.



4. If there is anything (health, relationships or finances) you want to heal, you must change how you feel. Feelings are your inner guidance system that always keep you connected with what is going on inside your subconscious mind. You must spend few seconds every few hours in the day to check with yourself on how you are really feeling. If you notice a positive emotion, say thank you for it. But if your notice a negative emotion, say, instead of this I wish to feel _______ (name any positive emotion you would like to experience. For example, instead of failure, you could say, “I wish to experience Success”.


5. We are all aware of the power of love. Love is the greatest healer in the world. Like with all other things, Love works faster than force even with the subconscious mind. Treat your subconscious mind like a little child is treated. When parents try to influence children, they have to use firmness with love. Without love, only mere force or discipline won’t work. So too, you too must work towards influencing your subconscious mind with love. Let your inner self, your subconscious mind know that it is loved and valued. You can take few seconds in the day to repeat, “I love you” to yourself. This will help you connect with your subconscious in a positive way and allow you to influence and correct it in a powerful way.



To your Success
Dr Karishma Ahuja


Learn how to Manifest without worry and doubt. Clean up your past with love and gratitude, assuming responsibility for everything and everyone in your life. Experience the Power of ‘Letting Go’ with the Ho’oponopono Healing Technique


About Dr Karishma Ahuja

Dr Ahuja is an Author, Metaphysical Teacher and Energy Therapist specializing in the topics of Law of Attraction, Forgiveness and Inner child healing therapy based on a Hawaiian problem solving technique called Ho’oponopono. A Doctor of Philosophy with specialization in Metaphysical Sciences, Dr Ahuja has Coached thousands of people over the last 16 years to release hidden mental blockages and develop a positive mindset to achieve desired Goals for health and success. She has written 2 books, “The Healing Power of Gratitude” and the “Healing Power of Words”.



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Dr. Karishmaahuja

Dr. Karishma Ahuja is a renowned Law of Attraction Trainer, Hypnotherapist & Metaphysical Counselor in India with profound expertise in healing through forgiveness inner child work based on the Hawaiin Problem Solving technique called Ho’oponopono. An Author, Master Trainer and Life coach, She specializes in teaching people about the Power of the mind, thereby inspiring them to achieve Big and live Joyfully by pursuing qualities like Self belief and Forgiveness. A PhD in Philosophy with specialization in Metaphysical Counseling and Masters in Metaphysical Sciences. She has been interviewed and featured for her expertise in leading newspapers and portals like The Hindustan Times, Midday, Afternoon DC, Hot Friday Talks, Tax Guru, Entrepreneur India, Health Site and Women Fitness. She is the Author of the popular Self help books -''The Healing Power of Words'', available on amazon worldwide and the recently launched, "Healing Power of Gratitude." Dr. Ahuja conducts courses, talks and seminars for Children, Parents, Educators, Corporates, Business owners and Individuals offering a practical step by step plan to pursue their Goals and Achieve Results.

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