
Say Goodbye to these 4 Habits for Peace and Success

What is a Person’s most cherished possession? Is it position, money, relationships or health? Undoubtedly, they are all important in life but what actually impacts each of them and thus becomes our most valuable possession is PEACE – true inner Peace!

You may have everything in life but if you are not peaceful from within, you will never enjoy happiness and satisfaction in life. You will feel weak, tired and lost.

Here are some healthy goodbyes that will help you move closer towards experiencing peace, freedom and success in life:


1. Worry and Anxiety.

One of the biggest blockages to experiencing genuine inner peace is worry and anxiety. Our mind is constantly engaged in anticipating challenges and problems. We have a tendency to think of what may go wrong and thus feel anxious and fearful. We could be spending sleepless nights tossing and turning with our mind all over the place, thereby affecting our productivity and mental calmness. To overcome this problem, try to gain a deeper understanding about the mind and energy laws. When you understand how you attract things into your life, you will feel more confident about taking charge of your life situations.

Try to keep your mind focused on the outcomes you desire to experience. The subconscious mind may keep dragging you to the past but you can bring yourself back to the present moment by sitting in silence and allowing the feelings to release by themselves by simply reminding yourself, you don’t need to hold on to the anxiety and worry. Instead you would like to experience peace harmony success and happiness. Feel the energy and vibration in your body change as you remind yourself what you would like to feel and have. As you think these thoughts, your subconscious mind will get busy to create new pictures about the life you desire. Rest of the day, if fear and anxiousness trouble you, take few deep breaths and speak aloud with belief that you will face what you have to face with courage and achieve all the good and happiness you desire in your life.

Another healthy approach to overcoming worry is taking it one day at a time. This approach focuses on taking life step by step without getting overwhelmed by future uncertainties. Set your targets daily and try to do the best that you can in the day. This will help you focus on your tasks and feel less stressed about things.



2. Negative Self-talk.

Be careful of what you are thinking and speaking to yourself as your subconscious mind and body are listening. What they hear is what they deliver to you. Thus a habit we need to say goodbye to is negative self-talk. Replace self criticism, anger and guilt with self-compassion, kindness and love. Notice when you are being hard on yourself and challenge those thoughts at that very moment itself. This will take mindfulness and practice. But the more you do it, the more it begins to become a healthy habit that will disallow the negative thoughts from getting more intense. Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, just as you would treat a friend.

Especially observe your thoughts as you wake up in the morning. These thoughts set the course for how you spend your day and also how you wish to be treated by others. The key lies in accepting your faults and mistakes gracefully and carrying true repentance for the wrong that you may have done knowingly or unknowingly.  Getting out of bed and simply blaming or hating yourself is not going to make things better. You got to forgive yourself and replace negative thoughts with positive ones. For example, you can repeat to yourself daily “I forgive and bless myself, I bless everyone in my life, may all be happy and healthy”. Such positive self talk will allow you to make necessary changes to improve your life and also help you to spread more joy in the lives of others around you.



3. Comparisons with Others.

Most people compare themselves to others to measure their own growth and success. Everyone wants to be seen as the best, the most beautiful and successful person out there. But in the process, we lose our peace and happiness as we feel unhappy and dissatisfied on not being good enough or successful enough in comparison to others. Comparison can often lead to jealousy and ill feelings like anger and hatred.  Such feelings drain our energy and weaken our ability to think and work to the best of our capabilities.

Remember that everyone’s journey is unique. Focus on your own progress and growth without measuring yourself against others. Ensure that you are doing your best and spending your time, money and energy wisely. Keep your goal in mind as you set your priorities and schedule your tasks for the day. Most importantly, celebrate your achievements regardless of how they compare to other people. For, there will always be someone who perhaps has something that you don’t. But that is no reason to be unhappy. Understand the power that you hold to make your dreams a reality. This realization that no one can stop you from fulfilling your dreams and that you have all that it takes will help you achieve great results in your life. Afterall, you deserve to!



4. Excessive attachment to outcomes.

Over attachment to outcomes is a common psychological bottleneck that can significantly impact our ability to experience genuine peace, growth and happiness in life. What does excessive attachment refer to? It refers to becoming too fixated on specific results or holding expectations such that they overpower your reason to work on your goals or desires altogether, leading to emotional distress and a lack of enjoyment. While having goals is important, it is also necessary to enjoy the present, be grateful for your journey and cherish the steps that will lead you towards your goal.  It is important to hold on to your vision but at the same time also to be open to different paths, outcomes and ways. This reduces anxiety and disappointment if things don’t go exactly as planned. Sometimes they will not, because for all you know, there’s a shorter and easier way that the universe wants you to take.

Instead of being inflexible, setting rigid expectations and being too stuck on how exactly things should work out, let go of the how and focus more on the end result you want. Allow yourself to feel what it would be like to live your dreams. Train yourself to be open to learning and growing along the way to your destination.  Set positive intentions and continue to take inspired actions toward your goals and targets. The attitude that you are always learning and growing will allow you to keep improving and making progress, leaving you happy and fulfilled. Not only will you achieve more, you will also keep yourself peaceful and balanced as you gain more and more experience in dealing with day to day challenges.



To your Success
Dr Karishma Ahuja


There is great power in Letting go of the past. Forgiveness 21 days course will help you to stop looking back and instead feel lighter and happier in the present, bringing you more success and peace. Start your cleaning journey here: Forgiveness 21 days course.


Did you know, Self love is the best way to heal yourself? When you love yourself, you allow your mind and body to correct, change and transform, helping you attract your desired goal more easily and joyfully. Start your 30 days self love journey here: Self love 30 days


About Dr Karishma Ahuja

Dr. Karishma Ahuja is a Metaphysics teacher specializing in the Universal Law of Attraction & Vibration, Forgiveness techniques and Inner child healing therapy based on the Hawaiian Problem solving technique of Ho’oponopono. She has coached thousands of children and adults over the last 16 years and offers various courses and personal coaching programs on manifestation, mind power, energy cleansing and positive thinking. Dr Ahuja writes a weekly Column for the Hindustan Times and regularly shares her inputs for success on various media portals like Times of India, Zee News, Midday, Tax Guru, etc. She is the author of 2 popular Self help books – “The Healing Power of Words” and “The Healing Power of Gratitude.”



Say Goodbye to these 4 Habits for Peace and Success Click To Tweet
Vinay Balloor

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