If you are doing everything you can yet not attracting the success you desire, there is probably something that is coming in your way. Have you thought of what it is that could be holding you back?
When you are happy and joyful, you are open, energized, and optimistic. This happy mindset helps you in trying new things, taking calculated risks and even being more creative and productive. However, when you are unhappy or experiencing any other negative emotion like anger, disappointment or guilt, you feel vulnerable. You block your ability to think and choose the right actions and solutions. You delay your own success and results.
So what do we do to go from disappointment and frustration to Happiness and Success? Answer lies in giving up “resistance”. It is about not ignoring how you feel and to start giving more importance to the things you want to improve in your life.
Trying to ignore the things you aren’t happy about won’t do you any good because “what you resist persists”. When you resist, you are directing negative energy towards what you are resisting and in doing so, you make it harder for the problem to get resolved. It won’t go away, and in fact, it may get worse because by trying to not pay attention to it, you are actually adding more energy to it. You are allowing it to grow stronger and stronger in your life.
So, instead of trying to ignore something that bothers you, give it your attention in a constructive way. Read that again – Give it your attention to something in a constructive way, not in the manner of simply feeling bad or complaining about it.
Here are a few things you can do to make way for positive things in your life.
1. Acknowledge It
Acknowledge the areas of your life you are worried or unhappy about. Be non-judgmental as you come face to face with your feelings. Respect your feelings and your current results. It is healthy self-expression to accept your negative feelings instead of suppressing them. A simple way to do that is to say out loud, “I know how I am feeling, I am feeling unhappy about my job or relationship or I am concerned about my body and my health, I am avoiding making a decision relating to my career and so on.
Pay attention to your body when you acknowledge these thoughts. Observe what is happening to your body when you are struggling deep within or simply feeling uneasy about something. Your body will reflect that tension or anxiety. It will tell you that you are blocking the flow of energy coming to you and out of you. Notice how you really feel when you are in resistance. That’s really the first step to releasing resistance. Because it creates within us an awareness of how it is okay to feel but not okay to let it stay within you.
2. Clear your mind
Resistances and blockages are created by our limiting beliefs. They are created by our opinion of how something or someone should be. It stays inside our mind in form of our thoughts and feelings and then continues to drive our behavior and actions. We have to thus find a way to get those limiting thoughts out of our mind so that they find a way out of our energy and vibration and stop controlling or driving us.
Take a notebook and a pen. Sit down and start writing about whatever is disturbing your peace right now. Get it all out of your mind and heart. All your worries, fears, grievances and complaints—keep writing until you feel you have put down on paper everything that was bothering you. This will lighten your mind and ease the pressure off your body. You will immediately start to look at these resistances in a very different perspective. For, often when your mind sees these limiting thoughts on paper, it begins to see you separate from these thoughts and feelings. It gets ready to release them. This will help you to start feeding your mind with better thoughts and ideas.
3. Let it Go
Once you have completed writing your thoughts and feelings, do not go back to reading everything you have written. Simply close your eyes, place your hands on your chest and start to take a few deep breaths. Remind yourself, feelings are a reflection of your energy and energy is never constant. It constantly changes form. Your feelings too can change and so can your life. Remind yourself, that you are now ready of let go of these resistances.
Repeat to yourself, I am willing to let it all go, I am willing to let in peace, happiness and right solutions, I trust myself, I am capable of great success, I trust the universe to bring me what I desire and deserve.“ Open your arms wide as if you are in deep gratitude for the support you are receiving. Hold on to this posture for few seconds with a smile on your face. This will send a message to your subconscious mind that you are ready for change, that the change has already started to happen and that you are ready to welcome more positive things into your life.
Spend few minutes in silence to simply observe what is happening to your mind, body and energy with these powerful and positive thoughts. You will feel a sense of peace and wellbeing, you will experience more of the energy of positivity, joy and love within you! As you continue to give yourself these thoughts and reminders daily, you will certainly find big positive differences in your life and results.
To your Success
Dr Karishma Ahuja
Do you know Self love can help you bring everything you want into your life? If you are ready to embark on a special healing journey to accept and love yourself unconditionally, Sign Up here: Self love 30 days
About Dr Karishma Ahuja
Dr Ahuja is an Author, Metaphysical Teacher and Life Coach specializing in the topics of Law of Attraction, Forgiveness and Inner child therapy based on the Letting go technique called Ho’oponopono. She has been Coaching people over the last 16 years to release hidden mental blockages and develop a positive mindset to achieve desired results for health and success. She has written 2 books, “The Healing Power of Gratitude” and the “Healing Power of Words”.
Release all Resistances Click To Tweet
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