Overcoming Fear
One of the biggest challenges we face today is overcoming our own fears and insecurities. Fear is usually experienced when we are focused out of the present into the future. In reality, you only have to be present to overcome fear and anxiety, because in the present there is no fear.
Now, this may not seem correct at first since most of us feel we are feeling fear right now. But ‘right now’, isn’t the same as the Present. ‘Right now’ only describes time. The present moment, however, has nothing to do with time. The present is a state of mind, and in fact is the most natural state of mind, the state that can heal.
What exactly is Fear
When fear and anxiety are troubling the mind. peace seems difficult. But Fear is nothing but thought about the future accompanied by a feeling. Since it’s just a thought you can distract yourself from it. You can do that by reading something, watching something, diverting your mind by talking to someone, listening to some healing music, going for a walk etc. but all these distractions are only temporary. You may feel better for a while but soon the underlying worry and anxiety you were trying to escape may return.
So what is the solution?
It is Meditation.
Benefits of Meditation
Meditation is a tool that takes us to a level of awareness that is beyond fear. The state it takes us to is the ‘present moment.’ In meditation, It is the mind meeting itself rather than being filled with thoughts and feelings. So meditation is the process of emptying the mind of its thoughts so that you can realize who you are. When awareness rises, the need to fear disappears.
An important point we need to understand is that it is important to keep meeting oneself throughout the day. let your awareness return to the present, the moment you notice that you are distracted, stressed, worried, or out of peace.
How to Practice Meditation to overcome Fear?
1. Try to sit still for a few seconds. Allow yourself to feel connected with your real self through Silent sitting. Focus on your breath for a few minutes. If thoughts come, allow them to come, don’t try to stop them. The moment you notice thoughts coming, just try to take a few deep breaths and take your attention back to your breath. Then mentally chant these words, ‘ I am fully present in the now.’
2. Sit in meditation for a few minutes twice a day. Once in the morning and once close to sunset time.
3. Start your day with this thought, “this moment is the most important moment for me. It has been gifted to me by God. I am grateful for it.
4. Give powerful suggestions to yourself all throughout your day.
Some Powerful Suggestions/ Affirmations that will help you immensely are –
My point of power is in the present moment
This present moment is a Gift
I am always present to the miracles unfolding in my life
Every moment of my life is filled with clarity and power
I enjoy my present and spend my day mindfully
I am always alert and aware
My mind is always focused on the present moment
I feel calm and balanced in the present moment
I breathe consciously and joyfully in the present moment
I cherish every moment of my life
I feel God’s hand in every passing moment of my life
I give all my attention to the present moment
I always receive universal guidance
I practice living in the present moment each and every day of my life
All the best!
-Dr. Karishma Ahuja, PhD
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