Thoughts create reality. Thoughts you think repeatedly create strong feelings and energy patterns within you that bring you more and more of those very things you were thinking and feeling. But did you know, most of these thoughts are about what you think about yourself? We all want to be acknowledged, loved and respected. But most important of all is the acknowledgement, love and respect you give “Yourself.”
Before you can do something significantly different, you must first “Feel different.” Feelings you hold for yourself are the key to your results. For, feelings impact your actions and behavior.
Said the great Abraham Lincoln, “It is difficult to make a man miserable while he feels worthy of himself.” Your sense of Worthiness determines the kind of events, people, opportunities and results you attract into your life. To attract desired results, you must start seeing and thinking of yourself as worthy and deserving.
This may sound like a very difficult task as most of us may have realized that we have been feeling in a certain way for a very long time now. But if you think about it deeply, you realize, how you feel at any given time has not got much to do with reality, but instead, it’s based on your perspective and interpretation of that reality. When you re-examine your perspective and re-evaluate your thoughts, your beliefs about yourself and the past will change and so will your results. But this has to be a process that you got to do with discipline and consistency.
Here are 3 steps you can take to build your sense of worthiness to improve your life and results:
1. See yourself as Worthy in the Mind first
Close your eyes and for the next few minutes, visualize yourself the way you really desire to be– confident, loved, happy, peaceful and successful! Visualize yourself with the wonderful things you would like to be, do and have. Allow yourself to completely relax so you can feel what you want down to every cell in your body. This practice is effective when you really allow yourself to relax and connect to the energy you want to attract into your life.
To do that, you must live the part while you are visualizing. Allow pictures to come to your mind. You don’t have to try too hard to visualize. As you think those thoughts, pictures will come on their own. However if you find yourself unable to focus or concentrate, start speaking about the person you want to become. Words are also effective tools that trigger feelings and help flash new images of your desired reality.
If you continue to do this for few minutes daily, it will certainly increase your self-worth and self esteem. What others think of you will bother you less and less and what you want to see yourself as, will begin to occupy your mind, body and energy. You will feel more confident about yourself and your ability to create your best life, irrespective of what your current reality is.
2. Ask yourself, “Why you deserve good things”
Writing forms many new connections inside the brain. This is the reason why children in schools are made to write their notes and homework down. The mind thinks so many thousands of thoughts daily that it becomes difficult for the subconscious mind to focus on the most important ones that you want to give attention to. Writing is a great way to further re-emphasise and reiterate the important thoughts that you want to give more energy and importance to. As you do this, your subconscious mind gets a clear direction to keep engaging with these thoughts by triggering more and more pictures and feelings within you, helping you replace old images of low self worth and failures with new images of success and confidence.
Here is a powerful practice that can help in improving your self-worth quickly. Everyday write down 5 statements on “Why you deserve to attract success and happiness in your life.” You will notice if your self worth and confidence is indeed low or if you are carrying some guilt or resentments for yourself from the past, you will struggle to come up with reasons why you deserve to be successful. As you do this practice daily, more and more reasons of why you deserve will come to your mind. Besides when you ask, why you deserve to succeed, you already have bypassed an important question and doubt about whether you deserve success or not. Your subconscious mind will thus start bringing into your life, situations and results to prove your increased sense of worthiness and confidence.
3. Maintain a Success Journal
Obstacles may come and go but if you keep the “Never give up” attitude and believe that you worthy to achieve good things in life, you will always find ideas and solutions to better your life and results. A Success Journal is a great way to remind yourself about how worthy and capable you are.
Take a diary. Start filling it with all the things you have achieved or accomplished in your life so far, right from your childhood to the present day. It could be a language you learnt, a subject in school you did exceptionally well in, a project you got a lot of appreciation for at work, it could be you marrying your desired life partner, learning a new skill, earning your first salary and so on. It can be anything and everything that you are proud of in your life. Whether big or small does not matter, write it down. When you are done with writing everything from your past, continue to fill this success journal daily with one thing from your day that you are happy to accomplish successfully. Do this before you go to bed daily. This will keep you motivated to do your best and also leave you feeling more worthy and valuable.
Each time you write down what you have accomplished, your subconscious mind gets encouraged to focus more on the power you possess to achieve your desired success and goals. It will start to work towards bringing more opportunities for you to write more and more of your achievements down.
In short, maintaining a Success journal is a great way to keep your focus on the good things that are happening and on the power that you have to win big rather than feel unworthy and unlucky due to past failures and disappointments.
Start today. Continue these practices for the next 6 months. You will be astonished to see the positive changes it is bringing to your life and results.
To your Success
Dr Karishma Ahuja
Discover what true Self love is and Learn some powerful ways and practices to increase your quotient of Self love and Joy in life. Start here: Self love , 30 days course.
About Dr Karishma Ahuja
Dr. Karishma Ahuja is a Metaphysical teacher specializing in Law of Attraction, Forgiveness practices and Inner child healing therapy based on the Hawaiian Problem solving technique of Ho’oponopono. She has coached thousands of children and adults over the last 16 years and offers various courses and personal coaching programs on manifestation laws, mind power, energy cleaning and positive thinking. Dr Ahuja writes a weekly Colum for the Hindustan Times and shares her inputs for success on various media portals like Times of India, Zee News, Midday, Tax Guru, etc. She is the author of 2 popular self help books – “The Healing Power of Words” and “The Healing Power of Gratitude.”
How to build your Self Worth to Attract Success Click To Tweet
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