We spend a large part of our lives – our thoughts,feelings and energy on people whom we perceive as our enemies. But Vedic texts and metaphysical Studies say that there is no out there. Our greatest enemies are the ones that exist in our own minds and hearts. These inner enemies are more dangerous than anything or anyone on the outside. The external demons (people & circumstances) may hound us for some time, but the demons sitting within our own minds have the ability to live with us and trouble us forever.
When these inner enemies are kept away, we can have the experience of true peace, joy and bliss in life. We will be able to Conquer and gain success in anything we want to do and have in our life.
Let’s look at 3 big inner enemies and how we can overpower them to achieve Health, Happiness and Success we desire-
1. Jealousy
Jealousy is a vicious disease which must not be permitted to gain a foothold in your heart. It is essentially because of jealousy that people lose their peace of mind and waste their talents and lives. Along with jealousy, backbiting or criticism soon makes their ugly appearance in one’s life. Jealousy will not live harmlessly inside you. The moment jealousy enters, the virtues which you have cultivated over a long time, all the great qualities which you have developed, are easily destroyed. It is such an insidious quality that it will begin to control you to an extent that you lose your power and ability to execute your tasks properly or even enjoy your present moment. You must thus see to it that jealousy does not possess you.
So how do you get rid of this harmful enemy, how do you weaken its power? You must practice Positive self talk. You must remind yourself, that the Universe will do for you too what good it has done for others. Believe you will always be blessed. Even if you are in a lesser position in your life than you think you deserve, you should enjoy the happiness of others by mentally blessing them. You should be glad to hear of their accomplishments and not feel sad just because they have things which you do not have. Enjoy the prosperity of others. Enjoy the progress of others. Enjoy the welfare of others. Enjoy the beauty of others and all the way remind yourself, “ I too will bring such joy, prosperity and happiness for myself and my loved ones.” This is a powerful attitude that can give you many powers. This is one of the most important teachings of the Gita. Desiring the good of others is a laudable quality which everyone should possess. It will purify your life and bring you great success and peace.
2. Anger
Energy is a Divine gift and must be put to good use. Anger is a waste of this precious gift of energy. When we become angry, our nerves become weak and feeble and we lose grip over ourselves. Even a moment of anger takes away our strength that we gather by eating good food for months. It is said, Anger is the fuel for all varieties of sin. If we let anger go untreated, we will not be able to discriminate properly, even think coolly or rationally. Thus, many times we are misled into wrong actions when we are angry. Anger is like an intoxicant. Internally it induces us to do wrong things.
One of the most powerful things we can do to tackle or overcome this weakness or enemy of anger is by practicing “Silence”. Silence has the power to save one from unnecessary squabbles, misunderstandings and inappropriate actions. The moment you experience anger, it will be wise to immediately leave the place (location) where you have got angry. Go in (to your room) Or step outside if possible for some time. Try to breathe deeply and slowly reminding yourself to “Relax”. Repeat to yourself daily, “I am calm, I am in control of how I feel.” This will also help you greatly to accept things with a balanced state of mind and handle yourself more appropriately.
3. Hatred
Hate for others is like a poison. It spreads to every part of our life and affects our entire being especially one’s health. It can wound, excite, enrage & cause separation and disconnect with self and with others. A deep inquiry into the truth will reveal that when you love or hate others, you love or hate your own self. The energy that your release through your thoughts is bringing more such thoughts, feelings and experiences into your life. There is nothing you feel for others and not for self. You feel and do to your owns self at all times. So do not hate anybody. For, in hating others you are waging a war with your own subconscious mind. And in the process, it will become more distanced from you and you will over time find it very difficult to be happy and to come out of negativity.
Seeing others with hate causes them to do more things to disturb you. But when you try to see them with love, you release your negativity and send them positive energy to transform. If you find it hard to forgive, seek help from your Higher Self or Universe within you and say, “Universe please forgive and bless this person through me”. Do this as a dzily ritual. Be conscious to Pour more love into everything you do. When you operate from love you automatically operate from a frequency of power. When love becomes a Thought that guides all your thinking and actions it turns into a Miracle that will Transform your life beautifully.
God bless
Dr Karishma Ahuja, PhD
Release the Past with 21 days of deep forgiveness cleansing, releasing and letting go (of unpleasant thoughts and feelings). Check out details here: Forgiveness course.
Also read: Most Powerful evening rituals for health and Wellbeing.
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