A Habit is an idea that has been planted deeply in your subconscious mind over a period of time and slowly starts to drive your behavior and control your actions. Most of the times you may not be aware but you could be subconsciously acting out of these very ideas and thoughts.
Changing a habit takes a fair amount of understanding and commitment. But the best part is- it is worth the effort. A habit could be what is standing between you and your desired success. For, success requires persistent, right efforts towards a desired destination/goal. You can only move in the right direction with the right efforts and right efforts require positive habits.
Are you ready? If Yes, here are 4 steps for breaking an old habit permanently.
1. Identify the habits you wish to change or replace.
Spend a few minutes writing down all your present habits that you can categorize as wrong or unwanted. You can recognize a wrong or unwanted habit by evaluating your behavior in areas where you are not getting the results you want. Write one by one all the habits you wish to replace such that if they are gone, your life will become more productive and successful.
Be honest with yourself when you are doing this exercise. Spend some time to be by yourself to openly reflect on your results. Remember we want to replace the old habits because habits are prolonged, deep rooted thoughts and thoughts are energy. Energy cannot be destroyed, it can be replaced.
2. Reverse the wrong/ bad habits
Once all the habits you wish to change are written down, take one habit at a time and write the positive reverse of that habit on a new page. For example if you have written, I eat unhealthy, junk foods that make me feel sluggish and dull,” the opposite of this would be-“I Choose to eat healthy foods that energize my mind and body”.
Once all the positive statements are written, start working on one positive habit at a time. Start to first take that habit which you wish to immediately include in your life. Try to include atleast 1 activity or action in the day to focus consciously on this habit. Set reminders on your phone and diary to take action towards this new positive habit you wish to adopt.
3. Reprogram your Mind with positive ideas
Start maintaining a diary. Every morning when you wake up, write down all the positive habits you wish to develop in your life. You can also write them again before you go to bed at night. Slowly, thoughts of these habits will start to take root in your subconscious mind. As these new ideas start to get downloaded into your deeper mind, they will take energy and power away from your old habits.
The bad habits will weaken from a lack of attention, and the positive ones will soon take over and start to reflect in your actions and behavior. This is because the practice of writing down daily the habits you wish to keep will allow the brain to form strong neural networks that will facilitate like vibrations to make them a part of your life.
4. Connect with your feelings and needs
Most bad habits have their origin in a deeper need within us that has yet been unmet or unsatisfied. This is one reason why people often lack motivation to change old habits. Something within them never supports them to overcome or break their negative habits. Whether we talk about indiscipline in eating, addictions to alcohol and tobacco or even procrastination, inorder to overcome these habits we have to deal with our inner most feelings. We got to connect with ourselves and become aware of what is really going on within us.
Sit in Silence daily for 15 to 20 minutes. Close your eyes and try to relax your mind and body. Start breathing slowly and consciously. After few minutes of conscious breathing, acknowledge any negative emotions you feel. Let them come up one by one. Accept them as you become aware of them. Awareness helps ease the tension they are screating within you. Continue to breathe consciously so they can be released through your breath. Remind yourself, you do not need to hold on to them. Repeat to yourself, “I am willing to let them go.” Smile as you tell yourself, “I am beautiful and loved by the universe, I deserve a healthy and happy life!”
To your Success
Dr Karishma Ahuja
Do you know everything comes to you from the Vibration you are in? Understand the science of Vibrations and go deeper into the art of Manifestation Check our details here: Law of Attraction and Manifestation course.
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About Dr Karishma Ahuja
Dr Karishma Ahuja is a leading Metaphysical Counselor and Life Coach specializing in the universal Law of Attraction and Letting Go techniques of forgiveness and inner child healing based on Hawaiian Problem solving process of Ho’oponopono. With over 15 years of experience in training children and adults on mind power and positive thinking, Dr Ahuja helps one pursue goals with love and success. She is also the author of two popular self help books, ‘The Healing Power of Gratitude’ and ‘The Healing Power of Words’.
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