After doing Dr Karishma’s Ho’oponopono and forgiveness course, I feel so happy and free. I realized I am the one responsible, the other person is not responsible for what i am going through. I learnt whatever others are doing is actually coming from a pattern inside me. Maam taught us how to work on ourselves, how i can forgive myself, because only then i can forgive others. There was always a guilt that i should have done this or i should have done that. However today i know i can let go of all the grudges. Today the way i feel, the relief i experience i wish i would have experienced this years back but then i had not met Karishma maam. I wish I had met maam earlier in my life, i wonder why i met her so late in life. wish it would have happened much earlier. I am eager to do other courses with her too. A better happier life awaits me now. Thank you Dr Karishma”