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Karma, Destiny and Law of Attraction

Karma, Destiny and Law of Attraction

Do we have the power to manifest our dreams through the law the Attraction? Or are we bound by our karma and past Actions? Are we just mere witnesses to our destiny? Does the Law of Attraction really work? Is there a way to escape and reverse the past consequences of our actions? Let’s read to find out

Overcoming Karma and Destiny

The Law of Cause and effect states, we are all bound by Karma, by the consequences of our own actions. You may wonder if there is a way then to escape from the consequences of Karma. Our Vedic scriptures declare, Yes, it is possible for those who earn the grace of God. Once you earn Divine grace, even if you have to experience the consequences of Karma, you will not feel the pain, you will have the courage to come out of it. Hence, we should strive to earn Divine grace and deep connection with the Universe.

“Let’s take for instance a medicine bottle. You find the expiry date mentioned on the bottle. After the expiry date, the medicine will lose its potency. Likewise, God’s grace will make the Karma Phala (fruits/effects) ‘expire’, it will nullify the effects of Karma.”  -Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Hence, it is possible to escape from the consequences of Karma with God and Universal grace. Karma Destiny and Law of attraction can work in our favour if we realize who we are and connect with the Power within us. The Law of Attraction to states You get what you Vibrate.” If you vibrate with confidence and faith, you will get to see a positive demonstration of that Faith.

Mahabharata teaches us an important lesson. Because the Pandavas adhered to righteousness and had firm faith in God, they could ultimately enjoy all prosperity and happiness. Because of their love for God, they could bear with fortitude all troubles and difficulties. What was the fate of the Kauravas who ignored God? Not one of Dhritrashtra’s 100 sons survived. Despite all the riches and strength, they had and the powerful army who were on their side, God was not on their side so they lost.

What is it that can please God and help us earn Divine Grace? 

  1. Love: God and love are one. God is love and love is God. When we remove hatred from our hearts, when we clean our energy from resentments held for others, when we choose to forgive and see others with Compassion, then our hearts will be filled with love. Pour more love into everything you do and to everyone around you. When you operate from love you automatically operate from a frequency of faith. Everything around you seems wonderful when you see others with love. When love becomes a Thought that guides all our thinking and actions it turns into a Miracle that Transforms our life beautifully and makes us earn the grace of God.

  1. Prayer: It is said, Universe’s heart melts with sincere prayer and calling. Connect with God/ Universe daily. Sit in silence and try to connect. Whatever is troubling you, sincerely ask God to help you let go of it. Ask God for wisdom, strength and courage. Offer all your negative traits to God, let them burn away in the light (diya/ candle) you offer to God. Yearn and pray for God’s love with all your heart. God within you is sure to respond to your prayer.

  1. Righteous Actions: Dedicate all tasks to God. Think you are doing everything for God. All the work that you do, offer it to God. When you offer everything to God, it becomes God’s Work. He will ensure it is done perfectly. There will be no mistakes. Always ask, What would God expect me to do in this situation? What would make God happy? Then whatever answer you get, take action accordingly. Work done in this manner keeping all your thoughts on God will purify your mind and heart. You will end up doing your Dharma. Dharma or righteousness will take you closer to experiencing the power that God is. You will win the grace of God.

  1. Trust: Have faith that God knows Best. He is the indweller and protector. If you are experiencing some troubles, remind yourself, there will be more blessings coming soon. God knows how we can be happy and he knows better than anyone else. Allow God and his love to guide you. Trust God’s power. Tell yourself, “God is handling my life for me, I am always under Divine guidance and grace.”

    True success can be won only by divine grace.                                                                                                                                                 Let us Strive for securing the love of God. Then our life will be filled with joy and bliss. Keep telling yourself, “Universe has my back, everything will work out well for me.”

          Stay tuned for more articles on Karma Destiny and Law of Attraction,                                                                                                                                              All the best!

              Dr. Karishma Ahuja, PhD

Dr. Karishmaahuja

Dr. Karishma Ahuja is a renowned Law of Attraction Trainer, Hypnotherapist & Metaphysical Counselor in India with profound expertise in healing through forgiveness inner child work based on the Hawaiin Problem Solving technique called Ho’oponopono. An Author, Master Trainer and Life coach, She specializes in teaching people about the Power of the mind, thereby inspiring them to achieve Big and live Joyfully by pursuing qualities like Self belief and Forgiveness. A PhD in Philosophy with specialization in Metaphysical Counseling and Masters in Metaphysical Sciences. She has been interviewed and featured for her expertise in leading newspapers and portals like The Hindustan Times, Midday, Afternoon DC, Hot Friday Talks, Tax Guru, Entrepreneur India, Health Site and Women Fitness. She is the Author of the popular Self help books -''The Healing Power of Words'', available on amazon worldwide and the recently launched, "Healing Power of Gratitude." Dr. Ahuja conducts courses, talks and seminars for Children, Parents, Educators, Corporates, Business owners and Individuals offering a practical step by step plan to pursue their Goals and Achieve Results.

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