Does the start of the new week post the weekend trigger overwhelming feelings of anxiety, sadness, or stress within you? Do you lack passion and motivation on a Monday morning? Do you find yourself feeling lazy or tensed as Monday approaches?
If you have said yes to the above, then you might have a case of what we call Monday Blues. What this actually means that you may be experiencing some negative emotions that many people get at the beginning of the week when they think of going to work. You could be experiencing feelings of tiredness, laziness, dullness and a sense that work is unpleasant but unavoidable.
We may laugh it off saying, “Oh this is natural, it happens with every one.” Agree it could happen occasionally but if it’s happening every week, then it should not be taken so lightly. If you were happy and all would be well, you would be excited and energized on Mondays, not tired and disinterested.
It should be no surprise that a case of the Mondays blues can have a negative impact on our performance and productivity as well as on our over all wellbeing. It is thus important to find ways to cope with it.
Let’s see how –
1. Identify the real problem
Ask yourself what is the real problem. If you have Monday Blues most weeks, then this is not something you should laugh off or just live with. It’s a significant sign that something is not right –you could be unhappy at work or under a lot of pressure to perform. It could be a negative co-worker or your interactions with your boss first thing on Monday morning that makes you want to avoid work. Maybe the problem is that you don’t feel very excited or challenged about the work you do.
One by one, make a list of the reasons for your Monday blues. Sit in silence and try to figure out what you can do about it. May be you can join a course to upgrade your skills, you could seek another co-workers help for a certain assignment, you could have an open chat with your boss on an issue that generally bothers you or spend some time on personal growth to build up more positivity inside you by reading a good book or listening to some inspirational talks. Clarifying what is bothering you and then reflecting on the possible solutions can help you to actually find effective ways to cope with your problem. It will be a great way to empower yourself and to take charge to improve the situation.
2. Prepare for Monday on Friday
If you have any difficult or unpleasant tasks that need to be addressed, don’t procrastinate or delay them. As far as possible get them done on Friday before you leave from work for the day. If you leave those tasks for Monday you may feel like there’s a big burden on your head and as a result, you will be stressed or pressured thinking of work all through your weekend. If possible, on Friday itself, resolve that pending issue, make that uncomfortable phone call, keep your calendar up to date, keep your files ready, prepare for the meeting beforehand, organize yourself and your desk well as do what you can to go confident to work on Monday. You will feel a lot better on Monday morning if you start doing this.
For tasks that you cannot complete beforehand, try to atleast do your best to prepare well for them beforehand so that mentally you are not stressed or anxious about them.
3. Make a list of the things you appreciate
We generally have a tendency to focus on what’s not right or lacking in our lives. It is generally the same with our job or work. We often look at the week ahead of us and think of all the tough tasks and challenges lying ahead of us and that can make us feel very burdened, dull and low. Why not turn it around. Every Sunday, make a list of 3 things that you appreciate about your work or job. It could also be things that you are looking forward to that week. This simple exercise will put you in a more positive mood. Most importantly, it will break the chain of negative thoughts and reset your mind to experience more positive feelings.
However, If you are one of them who thinks that you cannot come up with any good things about your work no matter how hard you try, then remember when you sincerely look for something, you will inevitably find it if you persist at it. Besides there’s always something to be grateful for. Here’s a sure way you will find it- Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and ask yourself what you are grateful for about your job and work. Sit in silence and wait for answers. Most certainly they will come. And you will feel much better than before. You will be more open and positive to wake up to a Monday morning with a smile.
4. Look to dress your best on Monday morning
We generally look forward to outings and feel good dressing up well for an occasion. Choosing your favorite outfit and taking some extra effort to look your best adds a feel-good factor to your personality and attitude. Why not adopt the same strategy to overcome your Monday blues. Choose on Sunday evening your outfit for Monday. Select one of your favourites, something that you love, something that makes you feel confident and good about yourself. Believe it or not, you will look forward to Mondays if you start doing this. When you look good, you feel good. Feeling good about yourself is half of the battle won on Monday mornings. Rather than the pressure or unhappiness of work dominating your mind, your confidence and cheerfulness will fill your aura and add spark to your spirit.
Ofcourse dressing well alone will not be enough. It is as important to consciously choose to smile as you dress up and show up to work. This way you will feel good from within and also share your spirit, charisma and positivity with others. In return you too will receive positivity and friendly vibes from others.
To your Joy and Success
Dr Karishma Ahuja
Have you read, “The Healing Power of Gratitude” by Dr Karishma Ahuja? It has 51 powerful practices to experience the magic of Gratitude at the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels of your consciousness.
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About Dr Karishma Ahuja
Dr. Karishma Ahuja is a Metaphysical teacher specializing in Law of Attraction, Forgiveness practices and Inner child healing therapy based on the Hawaiian Problem solving technique of Ho’oponopono. She has coached thousands of children and adults over the last 16 years and offers various courses and personal coaching programs on manifestation, mind power, energy cleaning and positive thinking. Dr Ahuja writes a weekly Colum for the Hindustan Times and shares her inputs for success on various media portals like Times of India, Zee News, Midday, Tax Guru, etc. She is the author of 2 popular Self help books – “The Healing Power of Words” and “The Healing Power of Gratitude.”
How to beat Monday Morning blues Click To Tweet
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