attract a specific person with the law of attraction
Using the Law of Attraction for love is about YOU, YOUR ENENRGY AND VIBRATION and not the person you want to ATTRACT. The secret to receiving the results you desire is always attached to YOU. It is about Getting into a harmonious vibration with the good you desire and STAYING in that POSITIVE VIBRATION to attract WHAT YOU WANT FASTER.
It is Your thoughts, feelings, and vibration which is THE KEY to attracting the LOVE and relationship you desire.
Here are some powerful practices to let go of resistances and start Manifesting your desired Relationship.
1 . Be aware of your Beliefs– Take a good look at the relationships in your life. Ask yourself the following questions. Whatever answers come, write them down in your diary.
What kind of relationships do I have?
Do I feel worthy for love?
Do I love myself?
The very thoughts you just thought and the answers that surfaced before you are responsible for programming your current results! If you don’t like the RESULTS in your life, you need to change your THOUGHTS. This is what the Law of Attraction is all about.
2 . Use the power of Visualization– Take a few moments each day to monitor what is going on in your mind. what are you thinking about? How are you feeling? If you are not feeling the way you want to feel, begin, instead, to visualize what you want rather than what you don’t want. So if you want more love, attention, affection, think about it. Visualize receiving all of this and more. Your vibration will instantly change. If you consistently practice doing this, you will be successful in changing your dominant Vibration and when your vibration changes, your results follow that upward flow.
3 . Practice the Vibration of Love – The Law of Attraction for LOVE is all about Vibrating with LOVE. Here’s how you can do that. Think about exactly what kind of relationship you want to be in. what should your partner be like? What are the qualities you wish to experience in your partner? Describe these aspects clearly in your mind. It will help give the Law of Attraction a clear picture about what EXACTLY you Want. Write them down and read them daily to convince your Subconscious mind that this is already a Reality you are living. When the subconscious mind is convinced and impressed with these ideas, it will start bringing into your reality, evidence of this reality you DESIRE. You will soon start ATTRACTING MORE LOVE into your life.
4 . Learn to Love Yourself– Loving yourself is the greatest and fastest way to attract more love and happy relationships into your life. We spend so much time doing our best on the outside — working on our bodies, careers, relationships. But It’s just as important to spend time doing work on the inside — developing pure unconditional and lasting self-love and self-acceptance. Appreciate and value Yourself. What makes you special or different? Write down some of your significant Achievements. Go through this list frequently. When you are feeling insecure, guilty or not good enough, remind yourself of all the things you have done or said that prove you are amazing and successful. If you have a list of some things that you have successfully done in the past, then you will very quickly come out of those negative feelings held for self. You will start seeing the brighter side of life and gain more confidence and inspiration to go out there and live your life to the fullest. Remember only when you feel WORTHY, you will attract people who will give you the love and respect you desire and deserve.
5 . Be Excited– Instead of thinking of ways it’s not working out for you, think about all the reasons why it may work out for you. This will keep you in high spirits. You will feel happy and hopeful which are keys to manifesting your heart’s desire. If you have a specific person in mind, mentally hold the picture of this person you wish to spend your life with and talk to them mentally. Tell them how you really feel about them. This will create strong impressions in your subconscious mind. You will connect with them energetically and vibrationally. Don’t worry about redirecting someone else’s thoughts or feelings. Instead try to focus on transforming your own energy. The Universe always wishes to see you happy. If they are good for you, the Universe will certainly conspire to bring them into your reality.
6 . Use Positive words and statements to Attract love
Some powerful Affirmations you can use daily –
I deserve love
I love myself wholeheartedly
I am enjoying a loving relationship with my partner
I am grateful for attracting my soulmate into my life
My life is filled with love and joy
My partner loves and accepts me unconditionally
I am loved, appreciated and supported in my relationships
Happy Manifesting
Dr Karishma Ahuja, PhD
Check out details of our Law Of Attraction Online Course. It will help you use the Law of Attraction to attract more love and joy into your life. It will serve as your personal roadmap to learn as well as teach this powerful Universal law of Attraction and Vibration to others.
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